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Episode #8: When & Where – The Right Time & Place

Episode #8: When & Where – The Right Time & Place

Welcome to Episode 8 in our podcast series, ‘See Something, Say Something, Do Something’. I was originally going to talk about the ‘What’ of Saying something.  But it occurred to me that would make the remaining topic of ‘When/Where’ seem anticlimactic.  So please allow me to interject a brief comment on When and Where before … Episode #8: When & Where – The Right Time & Place Read More »

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Episode #7 - Who – The Familiar

Episode #7: Who – The Familiar

Welcome to Episode 2 of Part 2 in our podcast series, ‘See Something, Say Something, Do Something’. Today, we’re diving into the ‘Who’ of saying something. In Part 1, we explored the ‘Who’ of seeing something, and now we’ll shift our focus to the ‘Who’ of saying something. The key issue in both of these … Episode #7: Who – The Familiar Read More »

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Episode #6 - Why – A Lifeline

Episode #6: Why – A Lifeline

Welcome to PracticALGEE, our See Something, Say Something, Do Something Podcast Series,  Our goal is to equip and support our Alumni in becoming more confident and effective as a Mental Health First Aiders. This is  Part Two and we will be  diving into the ‘Saying Something’ part of our role. When it comes to speaking … Episode #6: Why – A Lifeline Read More »

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Episode #5 - Why - If not us, who

Episode #5: Why – If not us, who

There are many reasons for each of us to be actively, deliberately, and continuously looking to ‘see something’ … to see opportunities to help someone who may be experiencing a mental health challenge or crisis. but perhaps the most important would include the following:Expanding upon the provided statements: If you keep who, what, where, when, … Episode #5: Why – If not us, who Read More »

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Episode #3 - Where - Cast down your bucket & Episode #4 - When - A season for everything

Episode #4: When – A season for everything

Of course, the opportunity for you to apply your Mental Health First Aid skills can occur at any time so we should always be alert. However, there are times that may be more likely than others to surface a need for our support. Perhaps the most important of these would be times of loss or … Episode #4: When – A season for everything Read More »

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Episode #3: Where – Cast down your bucket

Unless you are on the scene of a disaster, the most likely place for you to find an opportunity to provide Mental Health First Aid will be closer to home and in your usual sphere of activity. This is where you will find the people you know best. This means they are also the ones … Episode #3: Where – Cast down your bucket Read More »

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Episode #2: What – Changes in the BEAT

Episode #2: What – Changes in the BEAT

In order to ‘see something’, it helps to be actively and intentionally looking for something… and to have a good, clear idea of what you are looking for. If you are trying to be alert to too many possibilities the likelihood is that you will be overwhelmed, burn out and give up looking. For that … Episode #2: What – Changes in the BEAT Read More »

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Episode #1 - Who (More common than you think)

Episode #1: Who – More common than you think

In today’s episode we will consider the who of ‘seeing something’ Finding opportunities to use our Mental Health First Aid skills and make a difference can be increased by taking a little time to think about who might need our support. Too often, when we think of putting our skills to use, we imagine that … Episode #1: Who – More common than you think Read More »

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